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Soundtracks from other Countries >> American Soundtracks

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Single room furnished - front cover
Single room furnished - front cover
Single room furnished - back cover
Single room furnished - back cover
The wild racers
The wild racers
promo sampler: Rain People/Great bank robbery/Damned/Learning tree/Wild bunch/Manwoman of Chaillot
promo sampler: Rain People/Great bank robbery/Damned/Learning tree/Wild bunch/Manwoman of Chaillot
Slave trade in the world today (= Le schiave esistone ancora = Les Esclaves existent toujours)
Slave trade in the world today (= Le schiave esistone ancora = Les Esclaves existent toujours)
Sweden heaven and hell
Sweden heaven and hell
Christa: Swedish fly girls (= Swedish fly girls = Frigjorte Christa)
Christa: Swedish fly girls (= Swedish fly girls = Frigjorte Christa)
Sweet love bitter = Black love white love = It won´t rubb off baby!)
Sweet love bitter = Black love white love = It won´t rubb off baby!)
The 5000 fingers of Dr. T
The 5000 fingers of Dr. T
Aliki - my love
Aliki - my love
Baby Face Nelson
Baby Face Nelson
Bare Knuckles
Bare Knuckles
The name of the game is blackjack
The name of the game is blackjack
The chain
The chain
Dirty Feet
Dirty Feet
The flasher
The flasher
Happy days
Happy days
Hit ´em hard
Hit ´em hard

© Wolfgang Jahn, 2001-2011 | Last update: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:41:34 GMT
Consulting and Programming: ARoMaXT LogoARoMaXT/Markus Hasleder | Design: Edith Vosta | Italian translations: Enrico Tichelio | Medienpartner: Mundipedia | Suchmaschinenoptimierung mit Ranking-Hits